Monday, February 25, 2008

A Fairy Tale, once again

I went to Fairytaleland recently. I climbed the hill I always climb, which was less difficult than I remember. Though standing at its base the steepness is quite daunting. I will always climb that hill. If I'm 100 years old and in a wheelchair, I don't know how, but I'll still climb it.
There were a few purple flowers, but not the vast amount that takes over the hillsides at times and makes me want to skip with glee every single second. I guess it's not quite that time yet. We stayed on the isolated hilltop, our own private little top of the world, for hours. Getting caught tresspassing isn't much of an issue, as nobody wants to climb up that high, an ATV couldn't make it, and it's impossible to see from anywhere. We made the mistake of not bringing a picnic. Always bring a picnic or wish you had! Anywhere!
I climbed a tree, sort of.
We came down the mountain, past the terrifyingly dark groves of trees and the abandoned mercury mine into Guerneville, where we feasted on the most delicious Mexican food in existence. And that's all.
View the photo album here:

1 comment:

arlan igo said...

I'll know by Monday for sure when I'll be coming home. If I'm not making quota I'm going to be let go from my job, in which case I'll be home for a little longer than three days.

In any case it would be nice to pay visit to pole mountain, sweetwater springs & to have a cazadero prehistory field day & petroglyph hunting.